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My bosses got a strict instruction: he should have food 4 times a day: at 8, 12, 16 and 20. I liked that very much. Having 4 times a day food is an excellent idea for dogs! “You should change to 3 times when he is between 3 and 4 months” they also got as instruction.

So, my bosses wanted to change to 3 times when I was 3,5 months old. I objected strongly. I made very well clear that 3 times food a day was not applicable for me. 4 times and not less was my demand! My bosses wisely agreed with my requirement.

At 6 months they changed to 3 times a day again. But this time they were better prepared, they had bought chew sticks. At 5 o´clock I got a chewing stick. It took me almost 15 minutes to eat it all. This did the trick; I could manage to wait until 7 o´clock to get my last food for the day. And the next day as well. Nowadays I get 3 times a day my food plus all the treats when we are walking in the woods.

“We are more a dog treats machine for you” my bosses told me.  Yes, you are I gladly responded. Therefore, I look happy every time I come back when they call me. My bosses like when I run back to them on command. However, when there is a distraction, I don´t listen that well anymore. Other dogs, walkers and runners are remarkably interesting objects which I´ve to explore. But I think they shouldn´t complain as I always come back. Ok, sometimes I make a feint (fake movement) but when they are running in the other way I sprint after them. “We have to train you more on this”, they say. We will see; I´ll keep you posted =))