“It’s time for school, a puppy training” said my bosses to me. That´s not necessary at all I thought. I’m already a trainer myself. If I want to play, I’ll get one of my toys and wait in front for my boss, waving with my tail. Then he starts playing with me immediately. If I want to go out, I only have to make a low soft noise just in front of the kitchen door and they let me out. And finally, if my bosses forget to give me my food, I walk slowly around and bite them gently in their legs. Then I’ll get my food.
So, why does such an autodidact as me need puppy training? They didn´t listen so we went to the puppy training. A “piece of cake” for me of course. I looked up to my mistress, followed her, sat still on request. I even did some agility and “lydnad” training. Well, I had to explore other things as well and didn’t always listen. But overall, they were very satisfied, and I passed my exam, I´ll continue in a few months with the young dog course.
You can find info at Norrhund: https://www.facebook.com/298490190178915/posts/4245897922104769/
There is still a lot of snow and I like to run in the snow, jump over tree trunks, uphill (where my bosses will not follow me as they are not as energetic as me) or just over the track as fast as I can. When my bosses whistle I race back to them; they are nice people of course but the real reason are the treats I get. Only when I see other people, I get tempted to meet those persons. “We need to train you more” my bosses said to me.
I´ve to finish this blog now because they are going to measure my weight. I´ll write a blog about that another time.