“What´s happening”, I asked my bosses when I saw the enormous amount of shopping bags full of food. “It´s soon Christmas”, they said. I haven’t seen Christmas before, so I asked what that was.
“That is the time for reflection and feel empathy with your fellow citizens”, they said, “Then you eat a lot of food together with your family”, they explained. I didn’t grasp the logic, but it sounded as interesting.
“There will be a surprise for you as well”, they said. “You’ll get a visitor”.
And indeed, on Christmas eve their niece with boyfriend arrived together with their dog, called Compass. Not a normal dog but a huge one. A 2-year-old male Alaskan Husky, the size of a pony. At least, that’s what I thought. And fast he was. We were running through the garden, but I couldn’t keep up with him. I was not even halfway when he returned already from the other side. He jumped over me as if I was the size of a mouse.
But we played also quite a lot. Sometimes I was irritating him, and I was corrected gently.
On both Christmas days we could run and play in the snow. There was at least 10 cm of snow. When we were walking in the woods I every now and then disappeared in the snow. I’ll post some pictures below.